IT 1100 : Introduction to Operating Systems

Chapter 17 Searching for Files

Don't forget the Finding Things Exercises in Canvas.

Textbook Time

There are a lot more options for find in the book than we will use. So don't feel overwhelmed. Just focus on the power that find has.


  • locate - find files by name. The locate command references an index compiled the night before, so the searches are very fast. The locate program performs a rapid database search of pathnames, and then outputs
    every name that matches a given substring.
    • The file has to be in the database in order for it to be found
    • example: locate bin/zip, can combine with grep to restrict rows shown
  • The locate database is created by another program named updatedb. Usually, it is run periodically as a cron jobonce per day, if you create a file, it won't be detected by the locate command until this command has run.

Commands (find)

  • find - search for files with a specific criteria. More powerful but more complex than locate. The search is done real time, so searches may take longer.
    • More examples:
      • find ~ -type f -name "*.JPG" -size +1M | wc -l #find by size, name
      • Can find by user, last modified time, permissions, more...

Commands (find)

  • With find, you can also execute a particular action on the found file like so:
    • find ~ -type f -name 'foo*' -ok ls -l '{}' ';' or
    • find ~ -name 'foo*' -exec rm -rf {} \;

Commands (xargs)

  • xargs - The xargs command in UNIX is a command line utility for building an execution pipeline from standard input. What does this mean??
    • What if you want to search through a bunch of files for a string
      • find . | xargs grep 'someline' vs. find . | grep 'someline'
    • Compare these two
      • find ./foo -type f -name "*.txt" -exec rm {} \;
      • find ./foo -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs rm
  • touch - change file times or create new file
  • stat - display file status


  • locate /etc/res # will list files and directories in the /etc directory that start with res
  • find /etc -type f # lists only files in the /etc directory that start with res
  • find /etc/res* -type d # lists only directories in the /etc directory that start with res
  • find ~ -type f -name "*.jpg" -size +1M # lists only files that end in .jpg and are greater than 1 MB in size
  • find ~ -type f -name "*.jpg" -size +1M | xargs ls -l # xargs takes the output of the find command and lists it in an ls -l format