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DevOps virtualization

Lab 14

In this assignment you will develop some simple bash shell scripts to allow you to automate repetitive tasks. You will also review other shell commands.

Begin by developing a shell script that will search for files within a directory whose name contains a space. Your script should replace all spaces in a filename with an underscore.

To setup you test environment, create a folder in your home directory called playground. Create test files within playground by executing the following from the command line:

for i in $(seq 1 10); do touch “file $i.txt”; done; for i in $(seq 11 20); do touch “file$i.txt”; done;

List these files to ensure they created properly.

Here is some pseudocode to help you solve this:

  1. loop through all the files in the directory
  2. grep for space in the filename
  3. capture results of grep operation ($?)
  4. Do an if test to see if it did have a space
  5. If it did, echo the filname out and use sed to replace spaces with underscores.
  6. Use mv command to rename file
  7. Maybe echo out a nice message to the user
  8. End if, end loop

Here is a step-by-step guide for those of you who would like extra help.

Lab 14 Walk Through

To pass off

Submit a screenshot of your script and proof that it worked.