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DevOps virtualization

Lab 10

Part I

In this part of the assignment, you will practice finding text. You should utilize grep in every command.

Begin, by creating an ssh connection to scratch.cs.dixie.edu. Create a directory in your home directory called lab10. All the files you create below should be placed into this directory.

Part II

In this part of the assignment, you will practice finding files.

Begin, by creating an ssh connection to scratch. You should utilize commands such as find, which to complete the following tasks (use the man pages if you need to). If you are prompted to find all files on the system you should pass the -mount flag to the find command so that it will only search the local filesystem. For each of the tasks below, after you have found the correct command, copy the command to the appropriately named file in your lab10 directory.

To Pass Off

The grading script will be run as you are logged into scratch. The command you will execute will be similar for all of your assignments that have an autograder. Here is a sample of the command you will run: run_grader.py --n 2. The 2 is representative of lab2. (Lab 3 would replace the 2 with a 3). You will see some feedback. You should make sure that all your tests pass and that your score is correctly recorded. Please see your instructor for any help or questi ons on the output.