DevOps virtualization
In this lab you will experiment with a version control system: git. You should use your command-line virtual machine. Begin by making sure git is installed. sudo apt install git
Follow the tutorial on git here.
During the course of the lab you may be prompted for the following:
git config --global "youremail@here"
git config --global "Your name
This is expected. You should input your email and name where given.
By the time you are done with this tutorial, you should have a repository on github with a file in it. You should take a screenshot that proves you have created the repository.
On your virtual machine, delete the Demo
directory that you created. (Don’t worry, you should still have all your content on GitHUB). You will probably have to answer yes a few times to delete the directory. Now follow this tutorial.
Take a screenshot of your github screen again.
Upload both screenshots to canvas.